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Along with Just Treatment, Clive Lewis and 15,000 supporters, we urged the PM to pause the new £480m privately-run NHS database.
Area of work: Protect NHS data for the public good
We’ve asked the Commission to let us submit evidence from our own investigation to their probe into Amazon hoovering up iRobot.
Area of work: Challenging the size and power of Big Tech
The campaign to ask MPs to hit pause on the £480m NHS Federated Data Platform is gathering pace. Find out more.
Out of 18 positions, workers elected 14 people from the ver.di trade union to the Essen Facebook content moderation office ‘works council’.
Area of work: Justice for tech workers
Imagine viewing more than 250 videos of graphic violence each hour, for eight hours a day. That is the daily life of a TikTok content moderator.
Recognition of some of the core issues is promising but there’s a lot still missing from Labour’s statement.
48% of adults in England are likely to opt out of sharing most health data if the FDP is brought in by a private company, like Palantir.