Legal recognition will give workers in Coventry a collective voice and more tools to resist Amazon’s union-busting.
A court has ruled that a trade union leader in a German Facebook content moderation office was fired unfairly.
Our Kenyan counsel Mercy Mutemi told the Nairobi court that Meta and Sama were: “buying time and not being genuine.”
Out of 18 positions, workers elected 14 people from the ver.di trade union to the Essen Facebook content moderation office ‘works council’.
Imagine viewing more than 250 videos of graphic violence each hour, for eight hours a day. That is the daily life of a TikTok content moderator.
Through an outsourcing proxy company, Facebook is trampling on the freedom of speech and human rights of their key safety workers.
More than 300 moderators have presented a manifesto to the German parliament calling for an end to their exploitation.
That means Facebook is legally responsible for these workers.