URGENT: The devastating environmental impact of new data centres – register your official opposition to government plans before it’s too late

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The government has announced a massive expansion of data centres across the UK, with Amazon set to build £8bn-worth of them. Data centres suck up vast amounts of power and water, and in some parts of the world have resulted in an increase in fossil fuel production.

To make sure nothing gets in the way, the government plans to bypass planning rules so we won’t get a say. If all this is good news, why would they be worried about local people saying no?

Now might be our only chance to oppose these plans – respond to the government’s official consultation with a simple email now (we’ve included some key points to get you started).

If enough of us register our opposition, we could ensure that the government changes course before it’s too late.

The planned data centre expansion has potentially seismic consequences in intensifying the ongoing climate catastrophe, hastening the destruction of our planet, and derailing our transition to green energy.

The Big Tech companies building these data centres are some of the richest on the planet. The government could make this expansion conditional on their investment in green energy – ensuring they give more than they take. Let’s make sure it does.