Cori is stepping back as a Foxglove director

After five brilliant years, Foxglove co-founder and director Cori Crider is stepping back from her directorship this September. 

Cori’s contribution to everything Foxglove has achieved in the past five years is impossible to sum up here. From winning landmark judgements in cases against Meta; to taking down the A Level grading algorithm in seven days; getting the Home Office to drop its racist visa algorithmchallenging government-by-WhatsApp during the pandemichalting the NHS Data Grab – none of it would have been possible without Cori.

During her time as Foxglove director, Cori co-directed Foxglove’s legal work and led our communications strategy. Our success in both is in large part due to her leadership.

There are far too many highlights to list – but we’ll always remember the time that Palantir UK chief Louis Mosley wussed out of a head-to-head debate on NHS data with Cori last year, forcing her to put the case for using NHS Data better for everyone to his cardboard cut-out instead.

We are happy to say Cori’s next move is joining our friends at Open Markets Institute and the Future of Tech Institute as a Senior Fellow focused on antimonopoly policy.

We are very sad to see her go but we’ll continue to work together to challenge Big Tech monopolies – one of the most important areas of Foxglove’s future work.

Back in 2022, Cori wrote a blog about how to decode the truth about tech monopolies – and why this should matter to everyone. We’d encourage everyone to read it again now.

Martha and Rosa will continue to lead Foxglove as co-Executive Directors. We’ve recently appointed a non-Executive Director, Alix Dunn to support Foxglove’s governance and strategy, and we’re in the process of hiring an Advocacy Director – more on that soon!