There is a dearth of information about the environmental impact, as well as serious questions about the consumption of critical resources including power and water.
The government has quietly put building tonnes more of these power and water guzzlers at the heart of their economic plans.
The CMA should see through Big Tech’s ruse and act to protect the AI market now. Because in five years, it will be too late.
We’re proud to be working with the Open Markets Institute, SOMO, the Balanced Economy Project, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and more.
It’s a big win for the coalition looking to cut Big Tech down to size. Now the eyes of regulators are turning to ChatGPT.
The Sam Altman debacle shows the same handful of tech behemoths are exerting huge control over emerging technology like AI.
We’ve asked the Commission to let us submit evidence from our own investigation to their probe into Amazon hoovering up iRobot.
The Competition and Markets Authority has announced a formal investigation into the deal – following similar action in the US.